Thursday, May 8, 2008

Tornado Alley

Yup, that's where I am. And last night was kind of freaky! We had my mom over for dinner and right after we cleaned the kitchen, the sirens went off. Mom took the kids to the bathroom, while hubby and I went to peek outside. It was dark and the air was heavy, very heavy. We went in and rode out a storm that lasted about 20 minutes or longer. A tornado touched down by mom's apartment. It was small, no one was hurt. There was damage and several trees down. She was extremely glad she was with us! It was a little too close for comfort!!

Hope the weather is fairer where you are!


Scarlet said...

I'm glad no one was hurt. The weather has been freaky all over lately! We get gusts of wind in the middle of an 80-degree sun-shiny day and it's kind of spooky.

Stay safe!!

Debbie @ Three Weddings said...

We had bad weather last week. Our weather people are awful. They love to exaggerate. The weather service decided to set off the sirens every 8 minutes just in case. How are you supposed to know if there is a tornado when they use the sirens "just in case" There's a lot of controversy over that decision. My daughter is highly terrified of tornados so this did not help!

I'm glad everyone is ok and safe.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're all okay. We don't get tornadoes here very often... I'd be terrified.

Shionge said...

Sounds so scary glad to know everyone is fine.....,hugs to all...

Anonymous said...

Do you have a place to go with all this scary weather? We had to learn where to go in school and home. They always recommended the basement, which we had, thank goodness. One touched down two blocks from our house, on a one house that was not finished building. The neighbors weren't bothered, who had recently moved in. It was a miracle.

Sass said...

I see now why you've not been such a Happy Baker. Sorry you've had scarey weather.

It's been glorious over here - but it's about to break very soon.