Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I will refrain from complaining! I want to give Thanks instead.
I am thankful for the following things in my life:
1. My children have a father, who not only loves them, but is involved with their life. He takes an active role in guiding them into the people they will be one day.
2. My home is not the fanciest, but it is a cozy, safe place.
3. The health of my family. We get sick once in a while, but man oh man, we are so lucky.
4. Coffee....yeah it is that important.
5. Last I want to list my blogging companions! You make my world a little brighter with your comments, insights and lovely posts.


Anonymous said...

Aw... I'm thankful for you too... AND coffee, of course... Oh, and all that other stuff too. ;)

SaraLynn said...

I honestly am addicted to the, I mean...not blogging...not at all ;)