Friday, April 11, 2008


Don't you hate it when you get the blues?
I have the blues. No particular reason, just have the blues. I think part of it is, hubby and I have plans for the future and the future seems far away. Does that make sense? I know we will eventually get there and I will eventually get to return to school and accomplish my goals, but it seems so far away. Time seems to fly by, the kids are getting older and life just seems so fast. I feel like my chances of doing the things I want to in life, are getting fewer and far between.

Hope you aren't totally depressed by this. I am overall happy. And I feel a little guilty feeling the way I do. There are people who are worse off than I. My marriage is good. My kids are healthy. I am healthy. So that should be good enough right?
Why do I want more? Is it just human nature? Am I being selfish? Is it just a bad day and tomorrow I will feel differently?


Scarlet said...

To dream is good. I took a program called Paralegal Bootcamp (no joke!) and I did it w/ two small kids and their busy schedules. I was always tired, but a good kind of tired. If you want to do something and it doesn't seem possible right now, you can still take baby steps. It took me a while before I got where I want to be. Now that I'm here I want to do even more. :) I guess we're never satisfied, but it's good to dream and have plans for the future.

I hope you have a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

Not selfish. You want good things for hubby & for your kids, right? It's perfectly fine to want things for yourself too.

That being said, I know exactly how you feel. Me too.


Shionge said...

We all feel the blues sometimes Saralynn and very quickly when I think of all the things & love around me I feel better too.

This is just a phase my dear friend, concentrate your time and energy with your kids and family and very soon, you'll have time to do what you now, you are doing great as a Mom so enjoy this special moment :D

Susannah said...

It's so easy for us Moms to get the blues! The endless demands of young children combined with fatigue can be a challenge. I hope you can get a little break from parenting to work on your personal goals.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Blessings, e-Mom @ Chrysalis