Tuesday, April 1, 2008


My husband is uncomplicated. That does not mean he is uninteresting. He is very bright and knows more trivia than I thought a brain could hold. When I say he is uncomplicated, I mean it as a compliment. He doesn't play games, mind games. He is very straight forward and has a one track mind. (He cannot talk on the phone and be doing anything else) He is a simple man. He loves me. He loves the kids. He is a hardworker. He helps out friends and neighbors when their in need.
If I am sick, I know he will take care of me. When the kids are sick, he takes turns with me during the night. Often he takes more turns than me because, "Your home all day with them, let me give you a break." He makes breakfast every Sunday morning for me. He often does the dishes after dinner because he says, "it's the least I can do since you cooked such a good meal."
His love is uncomplicated and unconditional. I know he loves me. His very actions reinforce this knowledge.

Okay, I will wrap this sappy post up. I was feeling warm and fuzzy thinking of the past weekend. I was still not feeling well, so Saturday he took us out. And Sunday he picked this lovely pizza up at the take and bake pizzeria. I got a good guy :)


Melanie said...

Sounds like you have a fabulous hubby! I think uncomplicated is a great compliment.

Shelby said...

I think its wonderful you have such a great marriage. You know, it takes two - so you must be a terrific wife! I'm happy you have someone who thinks of you!

Debbie @ Three Weddings said...

I'd like to put my husband up against yours in the trivia war. How do they keep all that useless information up there? Sounds like you got lucky! Isn't it great having such a wonderful partner you can lean on?

Sass said...


Let's hear it for the good guys!

Don Mills Diva said...

Okay I'm dying over how good that pizza looks.

Oh and also, uncomplicated is good. Life is complicated enough - love shouldn't be. You're a lucky woman.

Anonymous said...

I am visiting via Lore, and am touched by this beautiful tribute. Your husband shines through it. May you continue to be happy together.