Friday, April 18, 2008


There are times I expect his memory. I seem to psyche myself up for those dates. As they grow near, I cry, I take flowers to the marker with his name. His birthday, Christmas, the actual due date he was expected.

But there are days that I am not prepared for the overwhelming loss. It has been a little over 3 years and I still ache.

I went to counseling but there is only so much of that I could stand. They suggested group therapy, but the thought of listening to other women cry and grieve was not something I thought I could handle. I could barely handle my own emotions.

Yesterday was not a stand out date. But I was flooded with memories and sadness. I bought flowers and hubby took me to the cemetery. We haven't been there since February. Some people think (and have actually told us) that we should be over this by now. How on earth do you "get over" exactly. Maybe I should have stuck with the counseling long enough to find out.

Today I feel better. It seems to help, taking flowers. Talking to him, hubby clutching my hand tightly to let me know he still shares the same pain. It is no less gone from him than me. And knowing that helps too in a way.


CJ said...

People who talk about 'being over it' absolutely make me furious. There are things you never, ever get completely 'over'. You adjust and you learn to live with the pain and you go on.

You sound like you're handling things well, in your own way, which is a tribute to you.


Anonymous said...


CJ is absolutely right. I second everything she said.

and (((hug))) again.

SaraLynn said...

thank you both....

Scarlet said...

Oh, I had no idea and I can't imagine that kind of hurt completely going away.

My heart goes out to you.

Debbie @ Three Weddings said...

Hi Saralynn,

I'm so sorry you and your husband are hurting. I'm glad today was better for you. Sending you cyberhugs.

SaraLynn said...

scarlet and debbie,
thanks to you too.

Working Mum said...

I had no idea either. CJ is right. (((Hug)))

Debby said...

Everyone has to deal with pain their own way and at their own time. Be patient with people who don't understand, they only hope you could be happy. Until we feel your pain we can never know. My heart goes out to you and although I am ignorant of your pain, I feel you and your husband are doing your best to work through the pain. I am sorry for your loss.

David said...

Everyone grieves in their own way. those that tell us that we should be "over" a loss of something or someone, lack the basic human understanding of how the heart and soul are not on a time line or a stopwatch.
If they were we not be human.
Your post touched me very much and I thank you for sharing

Anonymous said...


I agree with what CJ said. You don't get over it. You learn how to live through the pain.