Wednesday, April 16, 2008

reading time

I picked up 2 books at the library a couple of weeks ago, Alphabet Weekends by Elizabeth Noble and Weight of Water by Anita Shreve.

Alphabet Weekends is a delight. Elizabeth Noble is an author I have really enjoyed the past few years. Her book The Friendship Test is wonderful.

Anita Shreve is good too, but way too depressing at times for me. Light on Snow was good. Sad, but good. I thought The Pilot's Wife was very good as well.
Weight of Water has got to be one of the most disturbing and depressing books I have read. I ended up having to flip ahead, unable to read every page. Maybe it's just me.

I want to read Kite Runner, there is a 3 week waiting list at the library for a copy!

What are you reading?


Scarlet said...

I recently read The Kite Runner and loved it! You'll like it, too, but it's very depressing.

I'll be reading the sequel...1000 Splendid Suns next.

Right now Mistress, a book about an American travel writer in India, which is getting juicy. I'll review it later.

Happy reading!!

Anonymous said...

Kite Runner is on my reading list too. I'm reading a couple of travel books - walking in britain and one based around that travel channel show no reservations. And Margaret Atwood's book on writing. And a buncha novels... And a book about crochet.

SaraLynn said...

wow, with all the talk about Kite Runner, I am getting anxious to read it :)