While waiting for the exam, Jaxson explores the conference room we are in. It is a small room, with 3 chairs, a coffee table holding a basket of pamphlets on how to get a great smile, 2 windows, and a fake, sickly looking, tree.
Of course, the basket of pamphlets catch his attention. After reading them with lightening speed, he starts throwing them in the air like confetti. "Yea! Yea! Look Momma!" I gather them up and place them back in the basket (the crumpled ones on the bottom, of course). When I turn around, he has discovered the shades covering the windows. The last thing I need added to the bill is window coverings. I pulled the shade up, hoping to distract him with the view. It worked for a while (thanks to a city bus stop, semis and a loose dog)
Growing tired of this, he stood to look around, and the fake, sickly looking, tree brushed his arm. He jerked his body to face the tree, a look of fierce determination on his little face. He put his hands up like Buzz Lightyear and made a whoooooshing sound. I was so overcome with laughter, that I couldn't keep it in. This, of course, just egged him on. He began slapping at the big droopy leaves. I told him to stop, and he did. But only to retrieve his sippycup. Then the fight was on! He knocked his cup into the leaves, making whooshing noises, eyes closed. "The tree is not attacking you! Stop!"
And this is how the dentist found us....sigh.....At least the dental exams were both good. We do this again in November? Oy Vay
I'm scared of the dentist and I'm a grown up!
Today I found myself in the local corner shop paying for my goods and having a conversation with daughter who was hiding behind my back. The assistant gave me some very strange looks until daughter appeared and then she said, "I thought you were talking to yourself!".
Again another embarrassing mother moment that just doesn't bother me anymore.
LOL! That's great!
So funny, Sara.
Tonight I was getting the kids a bit of Pirate's Booty as a treat after supper. They started fighting and I found myself saying, "Cut it out or no booty!"
And then i laughed for a good long time.
LOL....NO BOOTY!...hehe
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